
Comments (7)

What do you think?


saw this on youtube, your vid really blown up heh?

is this out yet on here


You are awake.
Who are you?
Where are you?
You have nothing to do, but go and hope for anything.
Why cant you remember?
How to speak?
Are you alone?
No Wonder Why is an fantasy adventure game with its own history of the unique world and the characters that live there, whom you have to get to know better. And, maybe, at the end of the journey, you will find out the answers to all the questions that have been formed.


Explore and learn more about the world, face difficulties that you will find on your path, and sadly, sometimes killing is an option here.

Working with:
@Underody - Concept artist + Ideas helper
@dejelnieks - Music

#adventure #rpg #other #pixelgame #indie #indiegame #fantasy #story #lore

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language

Version Alpha 0.5

Updates: Menu UI updated, Options menu added, exit has a function now, game world is being worked on, new concept arts, sounds + new music, sitting sprite, transition between scenes

#pixelart #indiegame #rpg #fantasy #pixel #adventure

Alpha 0.4 No Wonder Why is now done, but I will show you when 0.5 is finished.
There are a lot of stuff to fix

I drew a characher for the game No Wonder Why, he's my favourite so far

#Art #Indiegame #Game #Digital #ConceptArt #Gamecharacter #Character


Version 0.3
After this version updates will take longer to develop
Updates: Mob wander state, trees, new music, camera, stones, main screen & "heart system" updt (both not constant), updt polygons

#fantasy #rpg #pixelgame #indiegame #pixel #adventure


Version: Alpha 0.2
Updates: Character small change, mob added, a mob and mob AI, "fighing" system, shadows, multiple music traks, tree texture in progress, "heart system" in progress

#pixelgame #pixelart #pixe #indiegame #game #fantasy #rpg #adventure


a concept art? video? of interaction. For the game "No Wonder Why". And drawn by @Underody .

#art #pixelgame #indiegame #pixelart #conceptart #characher #game

a possible characher from the game "No Wonder Why", what biom does it belong to? (Don't look at the background, it won't help)

#art #pixelart #indiegame #game #character #pixel


Update - 0.1
Updates: Breakinng leafs, full walking animation, multiple music previews

#pixelgame #indiegame #fantasy #adventure #pixel #development #music